Saturday, May 28, 2016


Everyone in the family knew that he had been saving for several years to buy the rifle. When the day finally came that he was able to purchase it, he was overjoyed. Just as soon as he possibly could, he would take the opportunity to try it out. But living in the city, he had no place close where he could shoot in safety. So, one day when he had to make a trip to visit family who lived quite a ways out in the country, he grabbed the rifle and took it along. And somewhere between departure and destination, he encountered detention. It happened like this: while driving along he had not seen any houses, cars, or other people for quite some time, therefore, he thought it would be the perfect opportunity to test out the new rifle. Out in the middle of what he considered to be nowhere, he pulled the '48 Ford over to the side of the road and got out - with the rifle in his hand. He loaded it, aimed and fired a couple of shots into the dirt. He was so involved in doing this that he failed to notice that someone had walked up behind him – someone who turned out to be a county constable on routine patrol. As he was led away to the local lock-up, he was informed that he was being detained on the charge of “Attempted Road Kill”.

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