“This week I had a few trials. I bought a Ford Truck last week. I quit the shop and went to hauling gravel and sand. At first the engine would not pull. Mr. Al Bryant had it fixed. Next, the gravel plant broke down and I did not get but one load in a day. The next day I had to put in new transmission bands. The third day I broke a front spring and the fourth day I had a blow out in the rear casing, 33 x 5, - a 40 dollar casing blowed up and it made me quite sick to think of it. I resolved to quit the hauling business. I went and inquired at the print shop for work but there was no opening. But in the evening I got a job hauling cinders for the Stadium. Some nasty job, it lasted only a half a day. The first load I had a blow out on account of a shoe slipping. I went back to the print shop and hired Henry Fasel, a cousin of mine to haul for me. He and Ed hauled cotton seed from Cedar Creek, a distance of about 26 miles. But too many trucks were hauling so only made about a 3 day run in about a week. Added to this I had to buy a pair of mud chains which cost me 10 dollars, also had to overhaul the rear end which cost over 16 dollars in parts alone. We tried gravel hauling but with no better luck so I told Henry he could get him a job elsewhere if opportunity presented itself; as for me, I’m thru with hauling.”
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